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HD 43047



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The age of the Galactic thin disk from Th/Eu nucleocosmochronology. I. Determination of [Th/Eu] abundance ratios
The purpose of this work is to resume investigation of Galactic thindisk dating using nucleocosmochronology with Th/Eu stellar abundanceratios, a theme absent from the literature since 1990. A stellar sampleof 20 disk dwarfs/subgiants of F5 to G8 spectral types with-0.8≤[Fe/H]≤+0.3 was selected. In stars with such spectral typesand luminosity classes, spectral synthesis techniques must be employedif we wish to achieve acceptably accurate results. An homogeneous,self-consistent set of atmospheric parameters was determined. Effectivetemperatures were determined from photometric calibrations and Hαprofile fitting; surface gravities were obtained from Teff,stellar masses and luminosities; microturbulence velocities andmetallicities were obtained from detailed, differential spectroscopicanalysis, relative to the Sun, using equivalent widths of Fe I and Fe IIlines. Chemical abundances of the elements that contaminate the Th andEu spectral regions (Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Ce, Nd, and Sm) weredetermined through spectroscopic analysis. Abundance uncertainties werethoroughly scrutinised, their average value (0.10±0.02) dex being found to be satisfactorily low. Eu and Th abundances weredetermined by spectral synthesis of one Eu II line (4129.72 Å) andone Th II line (4019.13 Å), taking into account the detailedhyperfine structures of contaminating Co lines, as well as the hyperfinestructure and isotope shift of the Eu line. Comparison of our abundanceswith literature data shows that our results exhibit a similar behaviour,but a considerably lower scatter (36% lower for Eu, and 61% lower forTh). The [Th/Eu] abundance ratios thus obtained were used, in the secondpaper of this series, to determine the age of the Galactic disk.

Far-ultraviolet stellar photometry - A field in Monoceros
FUV photometry of stars in a field in Monoceros in the wavelength rangefrom 1230 to 1600 A has been carried out using data from anelectrographic Schmidt camera carried on a sounding rocket. Ultravioletmagnitudes were extracted for 602 objects in the field. Fifty-eightpercent were tentatively identified with visible stars using the SIMBADdata base while another 25 percent are blends of objects too closetogether to separate with our resolution. Eleven of the UV objectscoincide with parts of the star clusters NGC 2169, NGC 2244, and NGC2264 in which individual stars cannot be resolved. As in previousstudies, the majority of the identified ultraviolet sources areidentified with early-stars. However, there are a significant number forwhich no such identification was possible, and we suggest that many ofthese are nearby white dwarfs.

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다음 그룹에 속해있음:

관측 및 측정 데이터

거리:628.931 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:3.4
적위상의 고유운동:-0.1
B-T magnitude:7.251
V-T magnitude:7.3

일반명   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 43047
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 139-2195-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0900-02544179
HIPHIP 29594

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