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Radial Velocities of Late-Type Field Subgiant Stars
High-dispersion coudé spectra were observed and measured for 43field subgiants of the G and K spectral types, with the intent ofsearching for hitherto undiscovered spectroscopic binaries. Statisticalanalysis of the measurements revealed no definite but two possible newbinaries. We present the data and discuss the statistical analysis usedto test for new binaries. Additionally, we discuss the techniques forhigh precision of radial-velocity measurement, and the systematic errorsthat interfere with that goal.

The Vertical Stellar Kinematics in Face-On Barred Galaxies: Estimating the Ages of Bars
In order to perform a detailed study of the stellar kinematics in thevertical axis of bars, we obtained high signal-to-noise spectra alongthe major and minor axes of the bars in a sample of 14 face-on galaxiesand used them to determine the line-of-sight stellar velocitydistribution, parameterized as a Gauss-Hermite series. With these data,we developed a diagnostic tool that allows one to distinguish betweenrecently formed and evolved bars, as well as to estimate their ages,assuming that bars form in vertically thin disks that are recognizableby low values for the vertical velocity dispersion σz.Through N-body realizations of bar unstable disk galaxies we were alsoable to check the timescales involved in the processes that give bars animportant vertical structure. We show that σz inevolved bars is roughly 100 km s-1, which translates to aheight scale of about 1.4 kpc, giving support to scenarios in whichbulges form through disk material. Furthermore, the bars in ournumerical simulations have values for σz generallysmaller than 50 km s-1, even after evolving for 2 Gyr,suggesting that a slow process is responsible for making bars asvertically thick as we observe. We verify theoretically that theSpitzer-Schwarzschild mechanism is quantitatively able to explain theseobservations if we assume that giant molecular clouds are twice asconcentrated along the bar as in the rest of the disk.

A near-infrared stellar spectral library: I. H-band spectra.
This paper presents the H band near-infrared (NIR) spectral library of135 solar type stars covering spectral types O5-M3 and luminosityclasses I-V as per MK classification. The observations were carried outwith 1.2 meter Gurushikhar Infrared Telescope (GIRT), at Mt. Abu, Indiausing a NICMOS3 HgCdTe 256 x 256 NIR array based spectrometer. Thespectra have a moderate resolution of 1000 (about 16 A) at the H bandand have been continuum shape corrected to their respective effectivetemperatures. This library and the remaining ones in J and K bands oncereleased will serve as an important database for stellar populationsynthesis and other applications in conjunction with the newly formedlarge optical coude feed stellar spectral library of Valdes et al.(2004). The complete H-Band library is available online at: http://vo.iucaa.ernet.in/~voi/NIR_Header.html

Chromospheric Ca II Emission in Nearby F, G, K, and M Stars
We present chromospheric Ca II H and K activity measurements, rotationperiods, and ages for ~1200 F, G, K, and M type main-sequence stars from~18,000 archival spectra taken at Keck and Lick Observatories as a partof the California and Carnegie Planet Search Project. We have calibratedour chromospheric S-values against the Mount Wilson chromosphericactivity data. From these measurements we have calculated medianactivity levels and derived R'HK, stellar ages,and rotation periods from general parameterizations for 1228 stars,~1000 of which have no previously published S-values. We also presentprecise time series of activity measurements for these stars.Based on observations obtained at Lick Observatory, which is operated bythe University of California, and on observations obtained at the W. M.Keck Observatory, which is operated jointly by the University ofCalifornia and the California Institute of Technology. The KeckObservatory was made possible by the generous financial support of theW. M. Keck Foundation.

The Indo-US Library of Coudé Feed Stellar Spectra
We have obtained spectra for 1273 stars using the 0.9 m coudéfeed telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. This telescope feedsthe coudé spectrograph of the 2.1 m telescope. The spectra havebeen obtained with the no. 5 camera of the coudé spectrograph anda Loral 3K×1K CCD. Two gratings have been used to provide spectralcoverage from 3460 to 9464 Å, at a resolution of ~1 Å FWHMand at an original dispersion of 0.44 Å pixel-1. For885 stars we have complete spectra over the entire 3460 to 9464 Åwavelength region (neglecting small gaps of less than 50 Å), andpartial spectral coverage for the remaining stars. The 1273 stars havebeen selected to provide broad coverage of the atmospheric parametersTeff, logg, and [Fe/H], as well as spectral type. The goal ofthe project is to provide a comprehensive library of stellar spectra foruse in the automated classification of stellar and galaxy spectra and ingalaxy population synthesis. In this paper we discuss thecharacteristics of the spectral library, viz., details of theobservations, data reduction procedures, and selection of stars. We alsopresent a few illustrations of the quality and information available inthe spectra. The first version of the complete spectral library is nowpublicly available from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory(NOAO) via ftp and http.

A Population of Massive Globular Clusters in NGC 5128
We present velocity dispersion measurements of 14 globular clusters inNGC 5128 (Centarus A) obtained with the MIKE echelle spectrograph on the6.5 m Magellan Clay telescope. These clusters are among the mostluminous globular clusters in NGC 5128 and have velocity dispersionscomparable to the most massive clusters known in the Local Group,ranging from 10 to 30 km s-1. We describe in detail ourcross-correlation measurements, as well as simulations to quantify theuncertainties. These 14 globular clusters are the brightest NGC 5128globular clusters with surface photometry and structural parametersmeasured from the Hubble Space Telescope. We have used thesemeasurements to derive masses and mass-to-light ratios for all of theseclusters and establish that the fundamental plane relations for globularclusters extend to an order-of-magnitude higher mass than in the LocalGroup. The mean mass-to-light ratio for the NGC 5128 clusters is ~3+/-1,higher than measurements for all but the most massive Local Groupclusters. These massive clusters begin to bridge the mass gap betweenthe most massive star clusters and the lowest mass galaxies. We findthat the properties of NGC 5128 globular clusters overlap quite wellwith the central properties of nucleated dwarf galaxies and ultracompactdwarf galaxies. As six of these clusters also show evidence forextratidal light, we hypothesize that at least some of these massiveclusters are the nuclei of tidally stripped dwarfs.

Precise radial velocity measurements of G and K giants. Multiple systems and variability trend along the Red Giant Branch
We present the results of our radial velocity (RV) measurements of G andK giants, concentrating on the presence of multiple systems in oursample. Eighty-three giants have been observed for 2.5 years with thefiber-fed echelle spectrograph FEROS at the 1.52 m ESO telescope in LaSilla, Chile. Seventy-seven stars (93%) of the targets have beenanalyzed for RV variability using simultaneous Th-Ar calibration and across-correlation technique. We estimate the long-term precision of ourmeasurement as better than 25 m s-1. Projected rotationalvelocities have been measured for most stars of the sample. Within ourtime-base only 21 stars (or 27%) show variability below 2\sigma, whilethe others show RV variability with amplitudes up to several kms-1. The large amplitude (several km s-1) andshape (high eccentricity) of the RV variations for 11 of the programstars are consistent with stellar companions, and possibly brown dwarfcompanions for two of the program stars. In those systems for which afull orbit could be derived, the companions have minimum masses from˜0.6 M\sun down to 0.1 M\sun. To thesemultiple systems we add the two candidates of giant planets alreadydiscovered in the sample. This analysis shows that multiple systemscontribute substantially to the long-term RV variability of giant stars,with about 20% of the sample being composed of multiple systems despitescreening our sample for known binary stars. After removing binaries,the range of RV variability in the whole sample clearly decreases, butthe remaining stars retain a statistical trend of RV variability withluminosity: luminous cool giants with B-V≥1.2 show RV variationswith \sigma_{/lineRV} > 60 m s-1, while giants with B-V< 1.2 including those in the clump region exhibit less variability orthey are constant within our accuracy. The same trend is observed withrespect to absolute visual magnitudes: brighter stars show a largerdegree of variability and, when plotted in the RV variability vs.magnitude diagram a trend of increasing RV scatter with luminosity isseen. The amplitude of RV variability does not increase dramatically, aspredicted, for instance, by simple scaling laws. At least two luminousand cooler stars of the sample show a correlation between RV andchromospheric activity and bisector asymmetry, indicating that in thesetwo objects RV variability is likely induced by the presence of(chromospheric) surface structures.Based on observations collected at the 1.52 m-ESO telescope at the LaSilla Observatory from Oct 1999 to Feb. 2002 under ESO programs and theESO-Observatório Nacional, Brazil, agreement and in part onobservations collected on the Alfred Jensch 2 m telescope of theThüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg.

Improved Astrometry and Photometry for the Luyten Catalog. II. Faint Stars and the Revised Catalog
We complete construction of a catalog containing improved astrometry andnew optical/infrared photometry for the vast majority of NLTT starslying in the overlap of regions covered by POSS I and by the secondincremental Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) release, approximately 44%of the sky. The epoch 2000 positions are typically accurate to 130 mas,the proper motions to 5.5 mas yr-1, and the V-J colors to0.25 mag. Relative proper motions of binary components are measured to 3mas yr-1. The false-identification rate is ~1% for11<~V<~18 and substantially less at brighter magnitudes. Theseimprovements permit the construction of a reduced proper-motion diagramthat, for the first time, allows one to classify NLTT stars intomain-sequence (MS) stars, subdwarfs (SDs), and white dwarfs (WDs). We inturn use this diagram to analyze the properties of both our catalog andthe NLTT catalog on which it is based. In sharp contrast to popularbelief, we find that NLTT incompleteness in the plane is almostcompletely concentrated in MS stars, and that SDs and WDs are detectedalmost uniformly over the sky δ>-33deg. Our catalogwill therefore provide a powerful tool to probe these populationsstatistically, as well as to reliably identify individual SDs and WDs.

Rotational modulation of the photospheric and chromospheric activity in the young, single K2-dwarf PW And
High resolution echelle spectra of PW And (HD 1405) have been takenduring eight observing runs from 1999 to 2002. The detailed analysis ofthe spectra allow us to determine its spectral type (K2V), meanheliocentric radial velocity (Vhel = -11.15 kms-1) rotational velocity (vsin i = 22.6 km s-1),and equivalent width of the lithium line lambda 6707.8 Å (EW(LiI) = 273 mÅ). The kinematic (Galactic Velocity (U,V,W)) confirmsits membership in the Local Association moving group, in agreement withthe age (30 to 80 Myrs) inferred from the color magnitude diagram andthe lithium equivalent width. Photospheric activity (presence of coolspots that disturb the profiles of the photospheric lines) has beendetected as changes in the bisectors of the cross correlation function(CCF) resulting of cross-correlate the spectra of PW And with thespectrum of a non-active star of similar spectral type. These variationsof the CCF bisectors are related to the variations in the measuredradial velocities and are modulated with a period similar to thephotometric period of the star. At the same time, chromospheric activityhas been analyzed, using the spectral subtraction technique andsimultaneous spectroscopic observations of the Hα , Hβ , Na ID1 and D2, He I D3, Mg I b triplet, CaII H&K, and Ca II infrared triplet lines. A flare was observedduring the last observing run of 2001, showing an enhancement in theobserved chromospheric lines. A less powerful flare was observed on 2002August 23. The variations of the chromospheric activity indicators seemto be related to the photospheric activity. A correlation between radialvelocity, changes in the CCF bisectors and equivalent width of differentchromospheric lines is observed with a different behaviour betweenepochs 1999, 2001 and 2002.Based on observations made with the 2.2 m telescope of theGerman-Spanish Astronomical Centre, Calar Alto (Almería, Spain),operated by the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, jointlywith the Spanish National Commission for Astronomy, with the NordicOptical Telescope (NOT), operated on the island of La Palma jointly byDenmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, in the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos of the Instituto deAstrofísica de Canarias, with the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT)operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in theSpanish Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos of the Instituto deAstrofísica de Canarias, with the Italian Telescopio NazionaleGalileo (TNG) operated on the island of La Palma by the Centro GalileoGalilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias and with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) operated byMcDonald Observatory on behalf of The University of Texas at Austin, thePennsylvania State University, Stanford University,Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, andGeorg-August-Universität Göttingen.Tables 1, 3, 4 and Figs. 4, 7, 8, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21 are only availablein electronic form at http://www.edpsciences.org

On the link between rotation, chromospheric activity and Li abundance in subgiant stars
The connection rotation-CaII emission flux-lithium abundance is analyzedfor a sample of bona fide subgiant stars, with evolutionary statusdetermined from HIPPARCOS trigonometric parallax measurements and fromthe Toulouse-Geneva code. The distribution of rotation and CaII emissionflux as a function of effective temperature shows a discontinuitylocated around the same spectral type, F8IV. Blueward of this spectraltype, subgiants have a large spread of values of rotation and CaII flux,whereas stars redward of F8IV show essentially low rotation and low CaIIflux. The strength of these declines depends on stellar mass. Theabundance of lithium also shows a sudden decrease. For subgiants withmass lower than about 1.2 Msun the decrease is located laterthan that in rotation and CaII flux, whereas for masses higher than 1.2Msun the decrease in lithium abundance is located around thespectral type F8IV. The discrepancy between the location of thediscontinuities of rotation and CaII emission flux and log n(Li) forstars with masses lower than 1.2 Msun seems to reflect thesensitivity of these phenomena to the mass of the convective envelope.The drop in rotation, which results mostly from a magnetic braking,requires an increase in the mass of the convective envelope less thanthat required for the decrease in log n(Li). The location of thediscontinuity in log n(Li) for stars with masses higher than 1.2Msun, in the same region of the discontinuities in rotationand CaII emission flux, may also be explained by the behavior of thedeepening of the convective envelope. The more massive the star is, theearlier is the increase of the convective envelope. In contrast to therelationship between rotation and CaII flux, which is fairly linear, therelationship between lithium abundance and rotation shows no cleartendency toward linear behavior. Similarly, no clear linear trend isobserved in the relationship between lithium abundance and CaII flux. Inspite of these facts, subgiants with high lithium content also have highrotation and high CaII emission flux.

Doppler images of the RS CVn binary HR 1099 (V711 Tau) from the MUSICOS 1998 campaign
We present Doppler Images of the RS CVn binary system HR 1099 (V711 Tau)from spectra taken in two different sites, KPNO and MSO, during theMUSICOS 1998 campaign. Contemporaneous APT photometry is used toconstrain the Doppler Images. The resulting maximum entropyreconstructions based on the least-squares deconvolved profiles, derivedfrom ~ 2000 photospheric absorption lines, reveal the presence ofstarspots at medium-high latitudes. We have obtained maps for bothcomponents of the binary system for the first time. The predominantstructure in the primary component is an off-centered polar spot,confirming previous works on the same target by using independent codes.The result is verified by using both data sets independently. The lowerspectral resolution data set gives a less detailed map for the MSO dataset. The images obtained for the secondary component show a low latitudespot around orbital phase 0.7. This spot seems to mirror the structureseen on the primary. It might suggest that tidal forces may influencethe spot distribution on this binary system.Based on observations obtained during the MUSICOS 98 MUlti-SIteCOntinuous Spectroscopic campaign from Kitt Peak National Observatory,USA, and Mt. Stromlo Observatory, Australia.

Statistical cataloging of archival data for luminosity class IV-V stars. II. The epoch 2001 [Fe/H] catalog
This paper describes the derivation of an updated statistical catalog ofmetallicities. The stars for which those metallicities apply are ofspectral types F, G, and K, and are on or near the main sequence. Theinput data for the catalog are values of [Fe/H] published before 2002February and derived from lines of weak and moderate strength. Theanalyses used to derive the data have been based on one-dimensional LTEmodel atmospheres. Initial adjustments which are applied to the datainclude corrections to a uniform temperature scale which is given in acompanion paper (see Taylor \cite{t02}). After correction, the data aresubjected to a statistical analysis. For each of 941 stars considered,the results of that analysis include a mean value of [Fe/H], an rmserror, an associated number of degrees of freedom, and one or moreidentification numbers for source papers. The catalog of these resultssupersedes an earlier version given by Taylor (\cite{t94b}).Catalog is only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymousftp cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/398/731

Statistical cataloging of archival data for luminosity class IV-V stars. I. The epoch 2001 temperature catalog
This paper is one of a pair in which temperatures and metallicitycatalogs for class IV-V stars are considered. The temperature catalogdescribed here is derived from a calibration based on stellar angulardiameters. If published calibrations of this kind are compared by usingcolor-index transformations, temperature-dependent differences among thecalibrations are commonly found. However, such differences are minimizedif attention is restricted to calibrations based on Johnson V-K. Acalibration of this sort from Di Benedetto (\cite{dib98}) is thereforetested and adopted. That calibration is then applied to spectroscopicand photometric data, with the latter predominating. Cousins R-Iphotometry receives special attention because of its high precision andlow metallicity sensitivity. Testing of temperatures derived from thecalibration suggests that their accuracy and precision are satisfactory,though further testing will be warranted as new results appear. Thesetemperatures appear in the catalog as values of theta equiv5040/T(effective). Most of these entries are accompanied by measured orderived values of Cousins R-I. Entries are given for 951 stars.Catalog is only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymousftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/398/721

Chemical Compositions of Four Metal-poor Giant Stars
We present the chemical compositions of four K giants (CS 22877-1, CS22166-16, CS 22169-35, and BS 16085-0050) that have [Fe/H] in the range-2.4 to -3.1. Metal-poor stars with [Fe/H]<-2.5 are known to exhibitconsiderable star-to-star variations of many elements. This quartetconfirms this conclusion. CS 22877-1 and CS 22166-16 are carbon-rich.There is significant spread of [α/Fe] within our samples, where[α/Fe] is computed from the mean of the [Mg/Fe] and [Ca/Fe]ratios. BS 16085-0050 is remarkably α-enriched with a mean[α/Fe] of +0.7, but CS 22169-35 is α-poor. The aluminumabundance also shows a significant variation over the sample. A paralleland unsuccessful search among high-velocity late-type stars formetal-poor stars is described.

Three-dimensional Spectral Classification of Low-Metallicity Stars Using Artificial Neural Networks
We explore the application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for theestimation of atmospheric parameters (Teff, logg, and [Fe/H])for Galactic F- and G-type stars. The ANNs are fed withmedium-resolution (Δλ~1-2 Å) non-flux-calibratedspectroscopic observations. From a sample of 279 stars with previoushigh-resolution determinations of metallicity and a set of (external)estimates of temperature and surface gravity, our ANNs are able topredict Teff with an accuracy ofσ(Teff)=135-150 K over the range4250<=Teff<=6500 K, logg with an accuracy ofσ(logg)=0.25-0.30 dex over the range 1.0<=logg<=5.0 dex, and[Fe/H] with an accuracy σ([Fe/H])=0.15-0.20 dex over the range-4.0<=[Fe/H]<=0.3. Such accuracies are competitive with theresults obtained by fine analysis of high-resolution spectra. It isnoteworthy that the ANNs are able to obtain these results withoutconsideration of photometric information for these stars. We have alsoexplored the impact of the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) on the behaviorof ANNs and conclude that, when analyzed with ANNs trained on spectra ofcommensurate S/N, it is possible to extract physical parameter estimatesof similar accuracy with stellar spectra having S/N as low as 13. Takentogether, these results indicate that the ANN approach should be ofprimary importance for use in present and future large-scalespectroscopic surveys.

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcar?J/A+A/367/521

The proper motions of fundamental stars. I. 1535 stars from the Basic FK5
A direct combination of the positions given in the HIPPARCOS cataloguewith astrometric ground-based catalogues having epochs later than 1939allows us to obtain new proper motions for the 1535 stars of the BasicFK5. The results are presented as the catalogue Proper Motions ofFundamental Stars (PMFS), Part I. The median precision of the propermotions is 0.5 mas/year for mu alpha cos delta and 0.7mas/year for mu delta . The non-linear motions of thephotocentres of a few hundred astrometric binaries are separated intotheir linear and elliptic motions. Since the PMFS proper motions do notinclude the information given by the proper motions from othercatalogues (HIPPARCOS, FK5, FK6, etc.) this catalogue can be used as anindependent source of the proper motions of the fundamental stars.Catalogue (Table 3) is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strastg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/365/222

The optical velocity of the Antlia dwarf galaxy
We present the results of a Very Large Telescope observing programmecarried out in service mode using fors1 on ANTU (UT1) in long slit modeto determine the optical velocities of nearby low surface brightnessgalaxies. Outlying Local Group galaxies are of paramount importance inplacing constraints on the dynamics and thus on both the age and thetotal mass of the Local Group. Optical velocities are also necessary todetermine if the observations of Hi gas in and around these systems arethe result of gas associated with these galaxies or a chancesuperposition with high-velocity Hi clouds or the Magellanic Stream. Thedata were of a sufficient signal-to-noise ration to enable us to obtaina reliable result in one of the galaxies we observed - Antlia - forwhich we have found an optical heliocentric radial velocity of351+/-15kms-1.

Lithium and rotation on the subgiant branch. II. Theoretical analysis of observations
Lithium abundances and rotation, determined for 120 subgiant stars inLèbre et al. (1999) are analyzed. To this purpose, theevolutionary status of the sample as well as the individual masses havebeen determined using the HIPPARCOS trigonometric parallax measurementsto locate very precisely our sample stars in the HR diagram. We look atthe distributions of A_Li and Vsini with mass when stars evolve from themain sequence to the subgiant branch. For most of the stars in oursample we find good agreement with the dilution predictions. However,the more massive cool stars with upper limits of Li abundances show asignificant discrepancy with the theoretical predictions, even if theNon-LTE effects are taken into account. For the rotation behaviour, ouranalysis confirms that low mass stars leave the main sequence with a lowrotational rate, while more massive stars are slowed down only whenreaching the subgiant branch. We also checked the connection between theobserved rotation behaviour and the magnetic braking due to thedeepening of the convective envelope. Our results shed new light on thelithium and rotation discontinuities in the evolved phase.

Sixth Catalogue of Fundamental Stars (FK6). Part I. Basic fundamental stars with direct solutions
The FK6 is a suitable combination of the results of the HIPPARCOSastrometry satellite with ground-based data, measured over more than twocenturies and summarized in the FK5. Part I of the FK6 (abbreviatedFK6(I)) contains 878 basic fundamental stars with direct solutions. Suchdirect solutions are appropriate for single stars or for objects whichcan be treated like single stars. From the 878 stars in Part I, we haveselected 340 objects as "astrometrically excellent stars", since theirinstantaneous proper motions and mean (time-averaged) ones do not differsignificantly. Hence most of the astrometrically excellent stars arewell-behaving "single-star candidates" with good astrometric data. Thesestars are most suited for high-precision astrometry. On the other hand,199 of the stars in Part I are Δμ binaries in the sense ofWielen et al. (1999). Many of them are newly discovered probablebinaries with no other hitherto known indication of binarity. The FK6gives, besides the classical "single-star mode" solutions (SI mode),other solutions which take into account the fact that hidden astrometricbinaries among "apparently single-stars" introduce sizable "cosmicerrors" into the quasi-instantaneously measured HIPPARCOS proper motionsand positions. The FK6 gives in addition to the SI mode the "long-termprediction (LTP) mode" and the "short-term prediction (STP) mode". TheseLTP and STP modes are on average the most precise solutions forapparently single stars, depending on the epoch difference with respectto the HIPPARCOS epoch of about 1991. The typical mean error of anFK6(I) proper motion in the single-star mode is 0.35 mas/year. This isabout a factor of two better than the typical HIPPARCOS errors for thesestars of 0.67 mas/year. In the long-term prediction mode, in whichcosmic errors are taken into account, the FK6(I) proper motions have atypical mean error of 0.50 mas/year, which is by a factor of more than 4better than the corresponding error for the HIPPARCOS values of 2.21mas/year (cosmic errors included).

Estimation of Stellar Metal Abundance. II. A Recalibration of the Ca II K Technique, and the Autocorrelation Function Method
We have recalibrated a method for the estimation of stellar metalabundance, parameterized as [Fe/H], based on medium-resolution (1-2Å) optical spectra (the majority of which cover the wavelengthrange 3700-4500 Å). The equivalent width of the Ca II K line (3933Å) as a function of [Fe/H] and broadband B-V color, as predictedfrom spectrum synthesis and model atmosphere calculations, is comparedwith observations of 551 stars with high-resolution abundances availablefrom the literature (a sevenfold increase in the number of calibrationstars that were previously available). A second method, based on theFourier autocorrelation function technique first described by Ratnatunga& Freeman, is used to provide an independent estimate of [Fe/H], ascalibrated by comparison with 405 standard-star abundances.Metallicities based on a combination of the two techniques for dwarfsand giants in the color range 0.30<=(B-V)_0<=1.2 exhibit anexternal 1 sigma scatter of approximately 0.10-0.20 dex over theabundance range -4.0<=[Fe/H]<=0.5. Particular attention has beengiven to the determination of abundance estimates at the metal-rich endof the calibration, where our previous attempt suffered from aconsiderable zero-point offset. Radial velocities, accurate toapproximately 10 km s^-1, are reported for all 551 calibration stars.

A catalog of rotational and radial velocities for evolved stars
Rotational and radial velocities have been measured for about 2000evolved stars of luminosity classes IV, III, II and Ib covering thespectral region F, G and K. The survey was carried out with the CORAVELspectrometer. The precision for the radial velocities is better than0.30 km s-1, whereas for the rotational velocity measurementsthe uncertainties are typically 1.0 km s-1 for subgiants andgiants and 2.0 km s-1 for class II giants and Ib supergiants.These data will add constraints to studies of the rotational behaviourof evolved stars as well as solid informations concerning the presenceof external rotational brakes, tidal interactions in evolved binarysystems and on the link between rotation, chemical abundance and stellaractivity. In this paper we present the rotational velocity v sin i andthe mean radial velocity for the stars of luminosity classes IV, III andII. Based on observations collected at the Haute--Provence Observatory,Saint--Michel, France and at the European Southern Observatory, LaSilla, Chile. Table \ref{tab5} also available in electronic form at CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Radial velocities. Measurements of 2800 B2-F5 stars for HIPPARCOS
Radial velocities have been determined for a sample of 2930 B2-F5 stars,95% observed by the Hipparcos satellite in the north hemisphere and 80%without reliable radial velocity up to now. Observations were obtainedat the Observatoire de Haute Provence with a dispersion of 80Ä,mm(-1) with the aim of studying stellar and galactic dynamics.Radial velocities have been measured by correlation with templates ofthe same spectral class. The mean obtained precision is 3.0 km s(-1)with three observations. A new MK spectral classification is estimatedfor all stars. Based on observations made at the Haute ProvenceObservatory, France and on data from The Hipparcos Catalogue, ESA.Tables 4, 5 and 6 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.htm

Lithium in population I subgiants
We present a lithium survey for a sample of 91 Pop. I stars. JHKLphotometry was also obtained for 61 stars in the sample. Besides Liabundances, [Fe/H] values were derived. Thanks to Hipparcos parallaxes,we could infer absolute V magnitudes for our sample stars and were ableto place them on the color-magnitude diagram, which allowed us toconstrain their evolutionary status. Masses and ages were derived formost of the stars by comparison with evolutionary tracks. The sample wasoriginally selected so to include class IV stars later thanspectral-type F0, but, based on the location on the color-magnitudediagram, we found a posteriori that a fraction of the stars (about 20%)are either main sequence stars or evolved giants. As it is the case fordwarfs and giants, a large spread in lithium abundance is present amongthe subgiants in our sample. As expected, the average lithium decreasesas the stars evolve along the subgiant branch; however, there is not aone-to-one relationship between the position on the color-magnitudediagram and lithium abundance, and the observed dispersion is onlypartially explainable as due to a dispersion in mass, metallicity, andage. In particular, a dispersion in lithium is seen among slightlyevolved subgiants with masses close to solar but in the sameevolutionary stage as the G2 IV star beta Hyi. The comparison of thebeta Hyi-like sample with a sample of non evolved solar-like starsindeed suggests that beta Hyi has most likely evolved from a mainsequence Li-rich star, rather than from a Li-poor star (like the Sun)that has dredged-up previously stored lithium. Our sample includesseveral stars that have completed the first-dredge up lithium dilution,but that have not yet evolved to the evolutionary point whereextra-mixing in the giant phase is thought to occur. A large number ofthem have Li abundances considerably below the theoretical predictionsof first dredge-up dilution. We confirm that this is due to the factthat the progenitors of these stars are most likely stars that havedepleted lithium while on the main sequence; the fraction of post-dredgeup Li rich/poor stars, in fact, is consistent with the observeddistribution of Li abundances among stars that have just left the mainsequence. The signature of the second mixing (or RGB extra-mixing)episode is evident in the log n(Li) vs. B-V and log n(Li) vs. M_boldistributions of the stars in the sample; it seems however that theextra-mixing occurs at luminosities lower than predicted by the modelsof Charbonnel (1994). Finally, a few evolved giants are found thatshould have passed the second mixing episode, but that do not show signsof it. At least half of them are spectroscopic binaries. Based onobservations carried out at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla,Chile

Lithium and rotation on the subgiant branch. I. Observations and spectral analysis
We have obtained new high resolution spectroscopic observations of thelithium line at 6707.81 Angstroms and derived lithium abundances (A_Li )by spectral synthesis for a sample of about 120 F-, G- and K-typePopulation I subgiant stars. For each of these stars, high precisionrotational velocity obtained with the CORAVEL spectrometer is available.We present the behavior of the lithium abundance as a function ofeffective temperature, which shows a sort of discontinuity around 5600K, somewhat later than the well known rotational discontinuity. based onobservations collected at the Observatoire de Haute--Provence (France)and at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla (Chile).

Rotation and lithium in the late-type stars of NGC 2516
We present CCD photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of low-massstars in the open cluster NGC 2516, which has an age of about 150Myr andmay have a much lower metallicity than the Pleiades. 24 probable F toearly K type, single cluster members have been identified from theirphotometry and radial velocities, along with three possiblespectroscopic binaries. The projected equatorial velocities are measuredand compared with younger and older clusters. Several fast rotating lateG /early K stars are seen, but all hotter stars havev_esini<20kms^-1. The data are consistent with angular momentum lossmodels with spin-down time-scales that increase from tens of Myr for Gstars to hundreds of Myr for K stars. The observed X-ray activity isconsistent with the currently accepted rotation-activity paradigm.Lithium abundances are derived from the Lii 6708-Angstroms line. Thepattern of Li depletion is indistinguishable from that in the Pleiades,including a spread in the K0 stars, where the most rapid rotators sufferthe least Li depletion. The observations argue in favour of either ametallicity in the range -0.1<[Fe/H]<0.0 for NGC 2516, or a lowermetallicity and extra Li depletion through non-standard mixing modeswhich occurs on time-scales of only ~50Myr. Neither our lowsignal-to-noise ratio spectroscopy nor our photometry can constrain[Fe/H] sufficiently to decide between these possibilities. A detailedspectroscopic chemical abundance analysis is urgently required.

Identification of a Complete Sample of Northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey X-Ray Sources. III. The Catalog
We present a catalog of optical identifications of a representativesample of northern ( delta > -9 deg) ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS)sources. A full identification has been carried out for a count-rate-and area-limited complete RASS subsample comprising 674 sources. Allsources are within six study areas outside the Galactic plane (| b |> 19.dg6), one area being near the north Galactic pole and one nearthe north ecliptic pole.

The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright main-sequence stars and subgiant stars
We present X-ray data for all main-sequence and subgiant stars ofspectral types A, F, G, and K and luminosity classes IV and V listed inthe Bright Star Catalogue that have been detected as X-ray sources inthe ROSAT all-sky survey; several stars without luminosity class arealso included. The catalogue contains 980 entries yielding an averagedetection rate of 32 percent. In addition to count rates, sourcedetection parameters, hardness ratios, and X-ray fluxes we also listX-ray luminosities derived from Hipparcos parallaxes. The catalogue isalso available in electronic form via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

The Tokyo PMC catalog 90-93: Catalog of positions of 6649 stars observed in 1990 through 1993 with Tokyo photoelectric meridian circle
The sixth annual catalog of the Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle(PMC) is presented for 6649 stars which were observed at least two timesin January 1990 through March 1993. The mean positions of the starsobserved are given in the catalog at the corresponding mean epochs ofobservations of individual stars. The coordinates of the catalog arebased on the FK5 system, and referred to the equinox and equator ofJ2000.0. The mean local deviations of the observed positions from theFK5 catalog positions are constructed for the basic FK5 stars to comparewith those of the Tokyo PMC Catalog 89 and preliminary Hipparcos resultsof H30.

2RE J0241-525: a nearby post-T Tauri visual binary system
We present high-spatial-resolution X-ray observations, photometry andspectroscopy of the two low-mass, active stars proposed as opticalcounterparts to the extreme ultraviolet source 2RE J0241-525 (=EUVEJ0241-530). It is confirmed that both stars, which are of types dK7e anddM3e and separated by 22 arcsec, are sources of soft X-ray emission andexhibit substantial chromospheric activity. Radial velocity measurementsindicate that the two components are physically associated and mostprobably single. The projected equatorial velocities are measured as75+/-3 and 11.7+/-0.7 km s^-1 for the hotter and cooler componentsrespectively and, whilst the hotter component has a relatively highphotospheric lithium abundance, log N(Li)=1.5+/-0.2, we are unable todetect any lithium in the cooler star. Isochrone fitting to this`mini-cluster' yields an age of 3-70 Myr and a distance of 19-60 pc. Anempirical comparison of the lithium abundances with those for similarstars in young clusters and associations suggests a narrower age rangeof 5-30 Myr and a corresponding distance of 26-50 pc. We conclude thatthis object is a nearby post-T Tauri system, but we cannot locate anypossible birth site. It appears unlikely that the system can have beenejected from a nearby open cluster in a two- or three-body encounter.

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Datos observacionales y astrométricos

Ascensión Recta:10h41m24.20s
Magnitud Aparente:6.26
Distancia:34.388 parsecs
Movimiento Propio en Ascensión Recta:-137.3
Movimiento Propio en Declinación:-119.2
B-T magnitude:7.37
V-T magnitude:6.35

Catálogos y designaciones:
Nombres Propios   (Edit)
Flamsteed33 Sex
HD 1989HD 92588
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 4913-1224-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0825-07277003
BSC 1991HR 4182
HIPHIP 52316

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